Diagnostic Ultrasound

Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to generate images of the soft tissues within the body. It is a safe and effective imaging modality for assessing peripheral joints and their associated soft tissues including shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee or foot.  

It can be especially beneficial in cases of clinical uncertainty, those non-responsive to conservative care and assessing appropriateness for certain treatment modalities e.g. shockwave / cortico-steroid injection. 

Unlike X-ray, ultrasound does not use ionsing radiation and is often quicker, cheaper and better tolerated than MRI.  

To ensure that a diagnostic ultrasound scan is appropriate for you, please email reception@torbaychiropractic.co.uk or speak to your clinician if you feel you could benefit from this service*.  *You will require a referral from a medial professional to access this service. We do not accept self-referrals.