The Staff, and patients will miss the GOAT ( Greatest of all time) of Chiropracting, when he leaves us tommorrow.
Ian had this to say at Warrens leaving Party
“Warren Glen Faryna has been a dependable cornerstone of my life since 2000. He has been without knowing it an anchor for me, our staff, practitioners and thousands of patients ; just being there, with kind words, kind gestures, a quiet ear, a solid crack, lots of DIY doodads, and sharing of life’s experiences. We’ve been through losing his mum, dad, a divorce, and his new happinesses with Shirley.
I first saw the vision that was Warren at a post graduate meeting in Taunton about 1994-5 the good old days (before Megan was born), this tall tanned gold Rolex wearing muscular Canadian breezed in the theatre turning heads and causing whispers as he went, and I thought ‘now that’s a chiropractic force to be reckoned with’. And as I have been privileged to live my working life next to him for 23 years how right I was.
Everyday I have laughed with Warren mostly about Andy but that’s for another day. We have seen and sadly lost many wonderful people to age, illness and just lost touch.
We have been blessed to amass over 30,000 patients over the years that he has worked here, practically all referrals which is a testament to our open and honest way of working based around Warren and Andy from the 90’s along with Me and Faye , Debbie, latterly Zack, Joe, Tam and now Megan.
I cannot say I wasn’t surprised when Warren told me he was moving to Crete to a place away from people with 32 olive trees and a swimming pool , but the more I think about it there comes a time when you need a break from giving everything of yourself and a time to be with Shirley caring and sharing for yourselves.
Rosey And I and would like to wish you all the success in the move and enrichment that it may bring you. Remember that there will always be a place for you here just in case!!
Please raise a glass to the wonderful Warren our colleague and friend. “