Pain is a sign that something is irritated or not working correctly.Taking strong pain killers is often not the best answer. With 20 years experience of treating painful conditions simply, Ian Vasey of Torbay Chiropractic and Physiotherapy should know.

A good example: Many women who are peri or post menopausal suffer long term muscle and tendon pain. They have broken sleep and even after a good night wake up exhausted. Pressure applied to the muscle hurts and causes flinching. Everywhere just hurts and you have No energy. This is often FIBROMYALGIA, a chronic poorly understood condition which leaves sufferers feeling neurotic and depressed. Doctors routinely offer pain killers, exercise programs and antidepressants such as amitriptyline, but it’s a difficult problem to manage and needs lots of time.

For 20 years I have helped these cases after treating an American lady who happened to be the president of the American Fibromyalgia Society and this led to a journey which gives me an insight into the problem.  I have developed an individual treatment program which uses manipulation, acupuncture, ultrasound, breathing exercise, sleep modification, nutritional advice and a clear understanding of what and why this is happening. The results are great and patients regularly cry with relief that they can understand why they hurt and feel miserable. That’s the first and most important thing, empowering for the future.

A great deal is being linked to chronic pain and some major steps forward may be just around the corner, with new insights into the pain system

So if you know anyone who sufferers this type or other types of long term pain then give Chiropractic a try. You may be surprised how much like common sense it is.