How to fit exercise into your day

How to fit exercise into your day

A quick posts today…. we’ve been asked a few time lately how to fit exercise into your day. We know it can be hard when you have busy, full on lives, but here are a few ways to sneak exercise in: Do your food shop at the supermarket rather than on line,...
How to love your back a little more

How to love your back a little more

As it’s valentines day very soon, we thought we’d spread a little love and give you some top tips on how to love your back a little more. All too often we take our backs for granted, ignore niggling pains and often practice poor posture. We’ve said this before,...
The road to recovery

The road to recovery

Which path are you going to choose this year? Relief Care Most patients consult our clinic because they have an ache or pain. Their goal? Relief, and that’s our objective....
Ian’s dislocated collar bone!

Ian’s dislocated collar bone!

As some of you are aware, Ian has been out of action for a few weeks following a nasty accident on his mountain bike and dislocated his collar bone. Following surgery and some R&R, Ian is well on the road to recovery. Thank you for all your kind wishes to Ian...
8 natural ways to relieve your headache

8 natural ways to relieve your headache

OK, so Christmas is not too far away, the parties will be starting soon, the planning, the preparing and the excitement will commence full force within the next week or too. We can’t wait! but what about those pesky headaches? Sometimes it’s excessiveness...
Text neck, the curse of our younger generation

Text neck, the curse of our younger generation

We’ve blogged about ‘Text Neck’ before, but worryingly we are seeing more and more cases of this increasing phenomenon. Text Neck is the term used to describe neck pain and damage obtained from looking down at your mobile phone, tablet, and other wireless...
Wear your backpack right

Wear your backpack right

As the kids go back to school, or even start school for the first time, we have a little information image reminder of the correct way to wear a backpack.